Tantra-Kundalini Yoga Retreats in Italy
Tantra-Kundalini Yoga Retreats in Italy

Retreating from social and daily life doesn't have to be harsh or austere. It can also be the easiest way to access to a more authentic lifestyle, perfectly in tune with Nature and the way things are accomplished by Life itself.


Once we step in the right place everything becomes softer, slower, deeper and calmer without having to restrain from our usual paths of living and thinking. Most likely we will naturally give up many cravings, create more space within, cut down our continuous doing.

It will happen. 


The land around us, the vast views, the simple and quiet lifestyle of the surroundings seem to whisper: Just be.

And so we are. 

We wake up naturally with the sunlight raising from East and have our fresh ginger and lemon tea to tingle our senses.

We lay down our magic carpets and set off for our morning journey. 

We breath. Oh yes, we do. 

We pay attention. Kindly. 

We listen from the inside out, free from all judgments. Possibly. 

We offer loving presence to whatever arises. 

We keep breathing. 

And then we bless others as well as us. 

After such a start we usually have as much tasteful vegan food as possible, always according to season and availability. Aware that the land is wiser than us, we gratefully accept what she has to offer. 

Being in a lush Valley, home to a large community of farmers, life is way too easy. We cross the road and get plenty of greens. We make wonders out of them and we joyfully enjoy our morning meal.

If Satsang time does not arise immediately, we don't force it. We let things be. We read, walk, rest, bike or sit. 

And then we unroll our mats once again. 

We might chant, we might simply breath in and out, we become present to ourselves once again. We move on top of our breath, we ride its waves, we make new space in our body and remember how to love it and heal it.

We pray. 

We do it for us, for those we love and for those we still struggle with. We do it for those we know and those we don't. We send our thoughts of goodwill to all.

And then we eat. Just for a change. 

We smile at our colorful food, we learn new recipes, we share impressions and stories. 

We learn to live one day at a time. Together. Just like an extra-ordinary little family who happens to meet just for this time being.

And if sorrow arises, we embrace it. 

If darkness shows up we face it. 

If grief, pain and fear sit with us we welcome them all. 

Because we are safe and solid. 

Kind and loving. 

Imperfect and vulnerable. 

Wise and not so yet. 

We cultivate freedom, mostly. 

And you will probably feel it once you join us. 

It's all we do. 

As for the rest, it usually falls gracefully into place when you are free. 

And Grace, at the end of the day, is something we really cheerish, in a place like this.